Thursday, March 18, 2010

St. Patty's!

I AM ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE! I went through St. Patty's and didn't even lose an arm! 

Last week was INSANE, but yesterday was just as, if not more, fun if you can believe it! We started the day off with some breakfast at the Spanish Arch and headed to a friend's apartment that was very close to the parade to regroup. From the apartment, we walked over to a bridge over the Corrib River to watch the parade. I have never wanted to steal a child that badly, but those little gingies were the CUTEST THINGS IF EVER SEEN! I will either send my child to a school with uniforms or buy a set and make them wear it even if it's not required! 

 The parade was not mind blowing, but it did have some fun things. Each school had students play instruments and march in the parade. There was also a large group of dancing storm troopers and Star Wars characters, nasty belly dancers, one horse, Judo demonstrations, a local rugby team, and a hurling team as well. 

 After the parade, we headed to get a bite to eat before continuing on our way. After last week, watching people drink Guinness and eat apple pie was off-putting, but my shepard's pie was delightful.

We jumped in a cab after a rest and feigned ignorance and drove around to steal our monies before we finally arrived at the rugby pitch! Connact v Dragons 13-6! I had to support the home team and purchased the cheapest sports jersey I have ever purchased. It's like Christmas! The Dragons we complete crap and really should have just gone home. Literally saw a guy trampled...youch. 

We hoofed it the couple blocks back to town, grabbed some dinner, and headed to groove the night away before ending the night singing from my balcony. It was a fun day!

I wrote two papers this week but must really buckle down for a final on Monday and a German presentation on my hockey helmet on Friday... zoinks.

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