Tuesday, March 30, 2010

End of Classes


Whew, it's been a while since my last post! Lectures will wrap up tomorrow for NUI Galway Semester II 2009/2010. Personally, I can't believe it. According to the date, I have been in Ireland for three months and a day.

I am half done with my finals already as I turned in my English papers yesterday, gave a German presentation about my hockey helmet, and took an in class essay on Monday. I have only the German written final and a Celtic mythology/ folklore written. The odd thing about NUIG is that they do not have enough large rooms on campus and so have quite a few off site. For instance, I am taking my written German final in a hotel.

I have class tomorrow and then Thursday I am off to London, Paris, and Sweden. If anyone needs to reach me, use my email (laroche@stolaf.edu) or facebook wall posts as many internet connections at hostels cannot open facebook messages. I will try to check my email etc. regularly.

Until April 15th then!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Skating on the "Prom"


I didn’t end up going to church yesterday like I had planned and instead skated on the path next to the beach with some hockey buddies. I received a text and realized that I had been sitting on my bum all day working on my paper outline and really needed to move before I lost feeling in my legs. The boardwalk, or prom as they call it, was amazing. The weather was sunny and windy right until we pulled into the parking lot. Then it turned grey and gloomy before eventually raining on us at the end. People were walking their dogs and couples and families were walking together… very cute. I did not fall but I did almost biff it one time. I need to remember there are dips in the sidewalk for crosswalks next time.

ALSO, there is a diving platform where you can just jump off to swim! I am so totally doing it in May even though there were two guys (or maybe just one guy who got in twice?) who were swimming while we were there.

It was tons of fun and I felt like I got to know my buds a little more after the excursion. A couple of us stopped for coffee afterwards which kept me up later, but it was totally worth it. I plan on doing it again soon and buying a pair when I get back home now that I know how to stop(ish)!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

St. Patty's!

I AM ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE! I went through St. Patty's and didn't even lose an arm! 

Last week was INSANE, but yesterday was just as, if not more, fun if you can believe it! We started the day off with some breakfast at the Spanish Arch and headed to a friend's apartment that was very close to the parade to regroup. From the apartment, we walked over to a bridge over the Corrib River to watch the parade. I have never wanted to steal a child that badly, but those little gingies were the CUTEST THINGS IF EVER SEEN! I will either send my child to a school with uniforms or buy a set and make them wear it even if it's not required! 

 The parade was not mind blowing, but it did have some fun things. Each school had students play instruments and march in the parade. There was also a large group of dancing storm troopers and Star Wars characters, nasty belly dancers, one horse, Judo demonstrations, a local rugby team, and a hurling team as well. 

 After the parade, we headed to get a bite to eat before continuing on our way. After last week, watching people drink Guinness and eat apple pie was off-putting, but my shepard's pie was delightful.

We jumped in a cab after a rest and feigned ignorance and drove around to steal our monies before we finally arrived at the rugby pitch! Connact v Dragons 13-6! I had to support the home team and purchased the cheapest sports jersey I have ever purchased. It's like Christmas! The Dragons we complete crap and really should have just gone home. Literally saw a guy trampled...youch. 

We hoofed it the couple blocks back to town, grabbed some dinner, and headed to groove the night away before ending the night singing from my balcony. It was a fun day!

I wrote two papers this week but must really buckle down for a final on Monday and a German presentation on my hockey helmet on Friday... zoinks.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010



This week is NUIG's Rag Week. Basically, it is a whole week where the college raises money for charities by letting the students run wild. Crazy kids. The school also puts on tons of activities to try and divert the students from alcohol.

Monday The Coronas played in a hotel downtown and rocked the house! With no effort or intent by myself, I was shoved into the very front. I enjoyed the concert immensely but find myself wondering: What happened to the good old days when people enjoyed themselves at concerts rather than trying to annoy the people around them?

Anywhoooooooos the show was great and bumping into them at my favorite pub later on in the night was pretty rad. I am jamming to one of the opener bands, The Chapters, who are pretty sweet too. Check out "black room" by The Chapters.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

the "beach"


This morning I woke up to one of the most beautiful days I've had in Ireland! I made a lunch and headed to the beach with a packed lunch. I have never been to the Salthill beaches beyond the pier so it was a new adventure. The beaches are rock and turn into sand the closer you get to the water. There are mussels up the wazoo with some shells mixed in. I do love to walk around looking for shells.

The mussels
 I tried climbing on some seaweed-covered rocks and figured out when i was trapped just how slippery and creepy the seaweed was. It squishes and makes popping noises as you walk on it. It made the rocks too slippery and dangerous so I had to retreat and take the civilian path... I know, weak.

I headed further down the beach to the bridge that takes you to the lighthouse. The water was beautiful and clear. You could see the deep blues where the seaweed grew and the turquoise areas where the sand prevailed. There were little islands of rocks beside the bridge that kept tricking me into thinking they were seals. It's really not out of the question to expect seals as they are in the area. Mary and I saw them on our ferry ride out to the Aran Islands.

Pedestrians were not allowed into the lighthouse area so I sat down on the bridge and enjoyed a sub-par PB&J. The fun bits of today are over, now it's time to start studying for the GRE or writing a paper... hmmm one more tv show couldn't hurt.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cork and the Blarney Stone!


HOORAY! I survived the 4 hour bus ride back from Cork, Ireland!

Yesterday morning I got up quite early to meet some friends at the coach station to set off for our Blarney stone adventure!

We arrived in Cork, Ireland before noon, checked into our hostel, bought bus tickets for Blarney Village, and just like that we were on our way! It was such a GORGEOUS day yesterday! In the sun I was sweaty... yes, I know. The sun was shining and there was nary a cloud in the sky. Our bus ride to the village was fun... so much fun that we missed our stop and had to run to the bus driver and beg him to let us off. HA, yes we're tourists.
Walking back into town...

Anywhooooooos, the grounds were amazing and really made the trip for us. There were patches of flowers blooming everywhere you looked and the streams were the clearest I've ever seen and full of beautiful green algae. The Blarney grounds include the castle, the Blarney house, a lime kiln, a waterfall, dolmen, a forest, a tree and flower lined lane, the buildings supporting the Blarney house and castle, and the STONE!

The castle had little signs posted everywhere that told you what things did including the murder hole. This is where you would drop, shoot, or poor things on unwelcome visitors and an unwelcome pit where you would fall through the floor if someone flipped a switch when you entered. VERY COOL.

We climbed to the top where there were AMAZING views...

Blarney Village
There was very little ceremony. You climb to the top, walk over to the two cute old guys, sit your butt down and lean back to kiss the stone. It was nice and easy because I didn't look all the way down until I had kissed the stone. There is a grate under your head, but then it's a 300 foot drop to the ground! Like I said, amazing views of the grounds!

We walked over to the house and the kiln, strolled around the witches kitchen, the wishing stairs which end in a waterfall, and took in the weather in all its glory before heading into town for an expensive yet tasty shepard's pie and Bailey's cheesecake.

We jumped the bus back to Cork and took our customary nap in the hostel before heading out for some craic. We discovered a small pub in an alley way that played THE BEST music ever and was full of normal, calm, and fully clothed people. The last place we went to played the same kind of music  and had the same people but in a larger venue with a live dj.

Today, we walked around Cork for some real shopping after an amazing breakfast in the English Market. I finally got my grubby, little hands on some grapes, a naner, and the best scone I've had to date. You will be please or shocked (depending) to hear that I was the only girl not to buy shoes today! I did buy some nifty earrings as I have lost one from each pair that I brought to a champion. Does that mean I have too much fun or that I get my ears caught and ripped by random things constantly? Food for thought.

This week is RAG week, aka Lutefest for four days straight usually ending in burning cars and lots of police so wish me luck and watch for me on the news!!!