Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dancing at Monroe's


I would first like to point out the date. Tomorrow, it will have been a month since Mary and I sat on a plane on our way to Dublin... whoa.

This morning I woke up to my mother's text informing me that I had missed the State of the Union this morning at 2am... they'll probably play it today then. That, or I'll youtube it. I hope he followed through on his statements about increase spending in education.

Tuesday I volunteered for the first time at a homework club for a primary school. I was scared as we walked to the door, but the kids were great and I really enjoyed myself. I haven't really worked with any kids since open skate back in high school so I felt I might be out of practice. All I have to say is thank you Quintin, Shane, and Finnian! I worked with two fellows of 6 and 7 and had the best time. I did get nervous because they were doing timetables and all of a sudden I could not remember 7x8 for the life of me! The whole time I was just hoping they wouldn't ask me. Don't worry, I remembered shortly thereafter. It'll be a short nice walk for me on Tuesday afternoons. Hooray for community involvement!

Wednesday was Australian Day which I found out is a big deal for students around here. I personally think students here just like an excuse to go crazy like they do every other night. A group of us decided to have a more calmer night and headed to Monroe's. We walked in and were disappointed that the regular stand tables had been removed. We found out later that they were moved so that people could do Irish dancing to the band who was playing.

COOLEST thing ever. There were couples of varying ages and a mom and daughter couple. Mom, if you were there, you would probably have gone crazy if none of us danced with you! The girls had to hold me in my seat. The partners whipped each other around while clogging and joined in group dancing at parts too. I found that the older gentlemen were the best dancers. The guy in the white shirt was the best though.

Later we headed over to Roisin Dubh to some great music and a VERY different crowd. We headed upstairs after a bit into what I call "the Mary room." They played all the music Mary loves which was great dance music. The people watching was off the charts. I decided men with bob haircuts either make me cackle loudly or are ironically very handsome, unless they had pencil mustaches... which left about two. HAHAHAHA I think I was the ONLY American there.

Then to round out the night, on my way back to my apartment, and in front of a very busy fast-food place, a young guy started talking to me as if he were Mr. Glass. I nearly DIED. I just stared for a bit and then started laughing as he and his friend started to wrestle WWE style. I laughed all the way home.

Inline hockey tomorrow night and hopefully I can get to the town museum in the afternoon tomorrow or Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. ANNE! I am so jealous! You need to tell me in much more detail about this escapade! Mop tops with pencil John Waters' staches are hilarious!
