Saturday, January 23, 2010



I started my Literacy Service Learning class this week and am starting to understand why a ton of my friends are education majors… IT’S FUN. Along with our class, we are required to volunteer at a homework club here in Galway. That is what first attracted me to the class. I wanted to get involved in the town and thought it would be great to tutor.

I was fortunate enough to hear back from a homework club early this week and am looking forward to meeting Irish primary students. I hope I can still do long division… heck, maybe they can tutor me!

This morning I walked to Russia and back trying to find the school so I hope I can get exact directions before Tuesday. Everything here is “straight over the roundabout on the left a ways.” Can you define a ways? And there is no “straight” across the roundabout! GAGH!

Hey, a little/lot of exercise never hurt anybody.

I went to hockey again last night and was shocked to see the number of students that showed up… we’re moving up in this world! It was fun but it could have been better if they would quit making us play girls vs. girls. Nearly all of the girls are beginners. One ran into me because she couldn’t stop/ change directions, and I went flying and now have major sticky-outy bruises all over my arms and a huge, black pinky finger to boot. I feel at home once again.

I am planning a trip to Killarney two weekends from now that will be an adventure. I could work at a travel agency upon repatriation!

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