Thursday, January 14, 2010



I would just like to point out the date, I've been here for two weeks already! Time has really flown by over here.

We started classes this week and man was that a struggle. Some departments do not have their timetables for classes online. That means that I had to walk around to nearly 5 departments to find times and venues all on Monday and to make a schedule on the fly. It was the longest two hours of my life.

Once I had a number of classes that would work together, I headed to German. They didn't understand that I was not majoring in German so I sat in on a VERY difficult class. I went to another German class in the afternoon where they were learning nouns. The wrong class again!

Tuesday I only had one class, 19th Century Ireland, which worked great because Tuesday was Mary's last day in the Motherland. We walked around a bit and ate an amazing lunch on shop street. We went to sports day at the gym and I SIGNED UP FOR ROLLER HOCKEY! I could barely contain my excitement! It looks like so much fun and the boys said I could borrow their skates and gear. I couldn't stop staring at the left handed stick the whole time. I AM SO EXCITED. It starts on Friday so I'll let you know how everything goes.

Then we stopped at Tk Max after lunch and finally bought a pair of shoes! They are amazing and worth the wait. I can't wait until the weather gets better to wear them!

We got Mary safe and sound on the bus and to the airport. Good luck Mary!

Yesterday was almost a disaster. I woke up and read the time wrong thinking that I had two hours before class when my roommate brought it to my attention that it was halfway through my class period... great. I freaked out and headed out to my class hoping to grab a syllabus. I got to class with ten minutes left and there was no syllabus... great. The rest of the day was good though, I found the correct German class so that was great. I HAVE to get an alarm clock today or else.

Today I have quite a few classes and start the second part of my English module today. Yesterday I went to the science fiction portion where we'll read 1984, War of the Worlds, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sleep, and Frankenstein. Today's half is translated French works... wish me luck on that one.

We're going as a group to Connemara on Saturday! It should be great!

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