Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Reservoir Dogs the play

26/1/2010 Reservoir Dogs (Play) MURRAY VS. NADAL (Australian Open)

Last night two of the girls and I went to Galway Town Hall Theater to see Reservoir Dogs, the play. I did not really think about it, even after I bought the ticket, until sitting in the lounge before the show started. Were they going to fail horribly? What is the stage going to be like? I had not been to a play in FOREVER.
The last play I went to was freshmen year of college and I couldn’t tell you what the name of it was!

Turns out, the stage was as large as two of my house’s living rooms with two groups of props in front of seats which were equivalent to one set of bleachers at Alexander Park (number of seats and size). I freaked out for a couple seconds… WHAT IN THE HECK. I thought it was going to be like amateurs beatnik-ing around for hours on end interpretive dancing out the movie.

But do not worry, the show was awesome. Although it was slow at times, the actors were great and Mr. Blonde was AMAZING. He nailed the mannerisms and dance scene perfectly. I didn’t like one actor though, his lines consisted of yelling everything all the time and always sounded like he was just about to forget the lines.

All in all it was a great experience.

This morning I am watching the much anticipated Australian Open quarterfinal between Nadal and Murray… EXCITING. I really don’t know who to cheer for. Nadal doesn’t look like he’s in tip top shape. But Murray has always been my favorite underdog. I would go berserk if I was playing a sport and camera guys stuck cameras in my face when I was resting.

I am trying to get to the French Open the week directly before my flight home in June.

Maybe I can see Murray in Scotland if that doesn’t work out?

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