Sunday, February 28, 2010

Airplanes and altitude are the DEVIL


Let's take a look at the date! I have now been living and studying in Ireland for over two months... yowza. I still have three months and two days before I head home, but who's counting?

This morning I finished constructing a board game that is meant to aid primary students in comprehending a book that I have picked out for their reading level. I know exactly what you're thinking, and no there are no zombies, BUT, there are PIRATE DINOSAURS! Yes, you read correctly, I said PIRATE DINOSAURS! The book is titled Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs. Someone will be getting a pretty sweet book when I'm through with it.

I am glad we get the chance to pick out a book for the kids we tutor because the books they have to read are horrible and boring. No wonder kids don't read or like to read anymore. School readers are doing a disservice. I wouldn't want to read about cows on a farm discussing what clothes they are going to wear to a party either. What the heck kind of book is that?!?!?! Give me pirates and creepy crawlys or flying over-sized cats and magic hats!

I would say my board game is pretty plain because we had to include certain things, but it does have a pirate ship and a dinosaur with a sword and a captain's hat. The sad thing is that I didn't want to pay a dollar for one stinking piece of unlined paper soooooooooo I cut up two pharmacy bags for white paper... hahahaha.

Speaking of pharmacy bags, it seems as though I didn't leave everything from Scotland behind. On the flights to and fro Scotland, both of my eardrums perforated due to a slight cold, altitude, and the resulting EXTREME PRESSURE. Now it is pretty difficult for me to hear anything. That, paired with my failing eyesight, has left me in a tight spot these days. I don't have to sleep with my earplug now though so that's pretty neat. I'm just waiting for the morning where I wake up to find one of my earplugs either in a nostril or between my toes! I do have hope that I will be able to make the flight to London in a month despite my ears and am on some intense meds and a strict regimen of pseudoephed.

I went on a walk over to the school today and found that the rowing team was out again! This time the boats were actual rowing boats and were not submerged with large oily engines. The weather is beautiful today but there are the odd rainy clouds with light showers and hail bursts. Weird as heck.

This next picture is for Stephanie, and for that matter anyone who either absolutely HATES or LOVES fairtrade coffee. I especially enjoy the lady (or child depending on how you look at it) in the hat. Just remember how I usually like my coffee... hahaha


  1. 1. Reading your blog=best procrastination EVER
    2. I read the part about finding an earplug in your nostril and heard you in my head say "nostriiiilll", and I got all misty eyed. Not even an exaggeration.

  2. EXACTLY how it is supposed to be read my dear!!! nosTRIL hahahhahahha best word ever! miss you too.... just looking at stupid history seminars that will soon be the death of me... blargh
