Thursday, February 11, 2010


This week I volunteered again and so far haven’t done as much homework as I should have. It does little to motivate me if, as a professor, you have only two assignments for the course and then tell the international students that they don’t have to do the first one. The first assignment I’ve had to turn in (besides German), I am turning in today… I’ve been here for over a month and a half. German doesn’t even count though. We meet five times a week on four days. Yes, that means on one day we meet twice. I thought there would be no possible way that I could dislike German more, but Ireland has found it. 2adays.

Last night I went to the city inline hockey team and had the best time ever. A couple of us had to take the bus up there but it was worth it. I have been to scared to do anything without elbow pads or breezers. My skates were not meant for inline and because of this, I am afraid to fall. The other people have real skates and that makes me sad and jealous beyond woooooooooords. It is so much fun to be back out there. It’s not as intense as normal hockey and I am held back by my equipment but it is tons of fun. The people are great and really get into it.

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